Amp Up Your AM: The Guide to Starting Your Day Right

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed can be really frustrating. Stress creeps in, motivation takes a nosedive, and you just feel out of sync for the rest of the day. But what truly sets the day up for success? A consistent morning routine. In this article, we share our top tips to rock your AMs like a pro.

It’s no surprise that Forbes and other big names have praised the benefits of developing a good morning routine. It sets the tone for your entire day, and comes down to four main areas: improving focus, conscious nutrition, moving your body, and consistent grooming and skincare regimens. 

Work on just half of these, and you’ll start to see the difference; master all four, and you’ll feel that productive buzz before you tackle anything else.

1. Mindful Starts 

There’s evidence to show that meditation can significantly help with feeling more “present” in social situations and managing your daily tasks. But what exactly does this mean and how does it happen?

Classic meditation, where you’re seated in a comfortable position, your eyes closed, and practising breathing exercises, is a go-to for many people. Perhaps you’ve given it a shot but struggled to concentrate? This is more common than you think, particularly in today’s age of social media overload and our dwindling attention spans. Mastering this form of mindfulness takes time and patience, and there are numerous apps that can help you get started, offering guided meditations for every level and for as long as your busy schedule allows.

If traditional meditation is not your thing – no problem. Practising mindfulness comes in different forms, all of which are meant to boost focus. Listening to a motivational podcast is just one of them, and it can really shake things up in the morning. Not only does it reinforce a positive and growth-oriented mindset, but also features insights and advice from successful individuals, encouraging you to pursue your goals. The best part? You can multitask - if that kind of pace works for you. Learn, focus better, and get inspired, all while getting ready for the day.

Overall, practising mindfulness is the absolute staple to starting your day right. The real trick is finding what works for you, rather than just hopping onto a random online trend. This ensures consistency, as well as higher self-awareness, sharper decision-making, and improved empathy and communication.

2. Consistent Skincare & Grooming 

As winter settles in, harsh temperatures can take a real toll on the skin, and starting the day off with some self-care is a great way to boost motivation and confidence. Just a few minutes in the morning can help keep both your skin and beard in top-notch condition, and if you’re struggling to find the right products, that’s exactly what we’re here for.

One of the common confidence deterrents for guys is razor burn. Luckily, there are simple hacks to prevent this from happening in the first place.

First, make sure you are using a nourishing face wash before you shave. This ensures there’s no build-up of dead skin cells, oil, or dirt on your blades, all of which can contribute to razor burn.

Next, get yourself a razor specifically designed to prevent skin irritation. Our sensitive steel blades, coated with soothing aloe, are crafted for a precise and comfortable shave. Plus, they’re fully recyclable, and you can find out more on how we turn them into energy here.

Remember to follow up with a trusted sensitive aftershave balm, as well as a protective moisturiser with SPF. Your skin is extra delicate after shaving, so it’s crucial to keep it hydrated and shielded from UV radiation throughout the day.

Still unsure what products to get? You can check out a more comprehensive guide on our entire Bulldog range here. 

3. Food for Fuel

Being focused and starting your day with the right mindset isn’t just about being more productive. Dedicating time to nourishing your body right from the moment you wake up is key.

We often rush to make tea or coffee as soon as we get out of bed, but what your body really needs when you wake up is a big glass of water. It’s only natural for the body to become dehydrated overnight, and drinking water is the most effective way to hydrate it in the morning. If water’s too bland for you, squeeze some lemon juice in to give it a more refreshing taste as well as a kick of Vitamin C.

A lot of people choose not to eat breakfast, but having some food in the morning should be part of your daily routine. The key here is to choose foods rich in protein and fibre, since they will keep you fuller throughout the day, and you’re less likely to get a sudden rush of hunger. If you tend to drink juice in the morning, opt for whole fruit instead for a better source of fibre.

Overall, conscious nutrition significantly influences how you prepare your mind and body for the rest of the day, so it’s definitely not the one to overlook. 

 4. Sun’s Out, Moves Out

Whether it’s light stretching, going for a run, or training at the gym, any kind of body movement in the morning comes with various benefits.

The best thing is knowing that you’ve done something great for your wellbeing first thing in the morning, and nothing beats that sense of accomplishment. Plus, you’ll feel more focused and prepared to tackle whatever the day throws at you.

Findings from a survey conducted among more than 1,000 individuals in America reveal that those who work out in the morning are more likely to be productive at work, experience reduced stress levels, and be more satisfied with their work-life balance.

Starting the day with exercise isn’t always a walk in the park. Having a fitness app with guided workouts can save the day when your motivation hits a rough patch, and if you can team up with a mate or family member, even better.

Consistency Is Key

We hope this guide inspired you to invest more time in developing a solid morning routine, and if you’re already working on any four of the areas we’ve discussed, keep up the consistency – because it truly does make a difference.