10 Easy Peasy Sustainable Swaps
Here at Bulldog we’ve always cared about doing the right thing. That’s why our sustainability development is really important to us and we’re constantly challenging ourselves to improve our services and products to be better to the planet, without compromising how they work for you.
Did you know that “Single-Use” was the 2018 word of the year according to Collins Dictionary? It’s use has quadrupled since 2013.
Here at Bulldog we’ve always cared about doing the right thing. That’s why our sustainability development is really important to us and we’re constantly challenging ourselves to improve our services and products to be better to the planet, without compromising how they work for you.
If you’ve seen Blue Planet 2, or one of the other numerous documentaries of late to focus on the consumer impact on the environment, you may be wondering what can I do? Where do I start? What difference can I make? It can all be a little overwhelming at first but that’s why we’re to help. A few small changes make a big difference.
1. Tote Bags
Get yourself a reusable cloth shopping tote or two. If you drive, it can be kept in your car or if you’re a commuter or (even better) cyclist pop one in your rucksack. That way you always have it handy when you need to go to the shops. It has the added benefit of saving you that 5p charge for a supermarket plastic bag too.
If you want extra bonus points, a reusable cloth produce bag is also helpful for bread, rolls, vegetables or fruit to avoid those little flimsy single-use plastic bags supermarkets seem to be so keen on.
2. Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Bottled water is a bit last year and sparkling water is totes 80’s (not in a good way). With all those nice sleek stainless-steel water bottles out there now is definitely the time to invest. The key is to get into the habit of always bringing it with you and get confident about asking shops and restaurants to refill it for you when out and about.
More and more public places are installing free water fountains like railway stations and airports (just make sure you empty it out before going through security). Plus, it’s important to keep that skin hydrated, your Original Moisturiser is only so powerful.
3. A Bamboo Razor
Swap your standard plastic razor to our Original Bamboo Razor. Why? Less plastic, a responsibly sourced bamboo handle that is biodegradable, our stainless steel is un-chromed (removing an unnecessary purely cosmetic process), and the packaging is made from recycled card stock. That is a lot less plastic waste.

4. Bamboo Toothbrush
Speaking of bamboo, you could make a swap to a bamboo toothbrush. Where a plastic tooth brush handle is going to hang around in landfill for the next thousand or so years, a bamboo or wood tooth brush handle is biodegradable. When it has reached the end of its life, simply use pliers to pull out the bristles (as these are made from Nylon) and then place the wood in the food waste bin, compost unit or bury it in the ground.
5. Grab Yourself a KeepCup
Fan of a takeaway hot drink first thing in the morning? Those paper cups are plastic lined, and none-recyclable so why not change over to a KeepCup? In addition to looking great, cafes are also getting in on the act and most sell a reusable cup over the counter.
The best cafes are going a step further and offer discounts to customers who bring a reusable cup. They’re the sort of business we should be supporting as ethically minded consumers.
6. Opt for Package-Free When Possible
Grab your veggies and fruit without the plastic wrap from a greengrocer or farmers market, you could even try one of the delivery schemes for wonky supermarket rejected vegetables (you may even come across a humorously shaped one).
If you’re lucky enough to have a package free bulk store nearby you could try shopping in bulk. Just bring those cloth bags we mentioned earlier, pay by weight, and store your food in containers or jars when you get home. Having a kitchen full of mason and Kilner jars brings added interior design points too.
7. Avoid Microplastics
Earlier this year microbeads in skincare were finally banned in the UK. From day one, we have rejected the use of microbeads, those tiny pieces of plastic placed in skincare for exfoliating purposes, who wants that? Instead we use natural alternatives such as olive seed.
Unfortunately, micro-plastics crop up in other areas too, such as shedding from synthetic polyester clothing. You don’t need to throw anything out though, just grab a GUPPYFRIEND to wash your synthetics clothing in. This clever little bag captures micro-plastics from entering the water system via your washing machine and eventually the ocean.
8. Get Familiar with Your Recycling
Every council varies in what it will take for recycling but it’s important to do what you can. Just make sure everything is nice a clean before-hand, a dirty container can contaminate the rest of your recycling, causing it all to be sent to landfill. To recycle our sugarcane bottles, simply snip the end off and give the inside a little clean out before placing it curbside.
9. Refuse Those Pesky Straws, Flyers and Free Pens
Unless you really need them, best to say no and give it a miss.

10. Invest with a Company That Does the Right Thing
Be sure to let us/them know what you think they could do better. Be vocal in the changes you want to see in companies. Any company worth it’s salt listens to what their customers want.